Terms and Conditions

This service must only be used for the purposes of recruiting and accepting candidates for internship and graduate programs. No other uses are permissible. Subscription to this Database is on a per program or per department basis. Access credentials may not be transferred to any other programs or departments even at the same institution/company, and certainly not to any other institution/company.
The data provided by students using this service is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations (FERPA) and its implementing regulations.

The employee subscribing to this database, the program itself, and the institution must make every effort to keep the access credentials secure and not made available to any unauthorized persons. Only persons employed by the institution/company and the specific subscribing program may be authorized. No person employed by the same institution/company, but not the specific subscribing program can be an authorized person. Persons employed by the same institution/company, but not the specific program are not to be given access to this Service’s database.

Your profile in this service does not constitute a formal application. You will still have to fill out an institution’s formal application for graduate school and financial aid. This service just gets your credentials in front of more programs so that you can get a strong indication of whether or not they can admit you and offer your financial support. If there is a graduate program that you know you want to attend it might be in your best interest to get your formal application in as early as you can. But this service can result in admissions and financial aid offers from institutions that you might not have been considering.

Use of this service does not guarantee that any program will offer you admissions, financial aid; invite you to a campus visit, or contact you in any way.

Your profile must be complete and accurate.

Your data is normally protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations (FERPA) and its implementing regulations. However, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is not applicable to ScholarFind, nor to any of our partnering associations, not being educational institutions.

Your submission of information to this Service constitutes your permission and a waiver to ScholarFind to disclose the same information to legitimate subscribers to this Service, which include bona fide graduate programs of US and international institutes of higher education and other that offer degrees beyond the baccalaureate level, or financial support for academic study beyond the baccalaureate level.

ScholarFind endeavors to keep this Service’s computer systems and databases secure. You will hold ScholarFind, its contractors, and service providers harmless for any damages resulting from untoward system intrusion. This site uses a high-end Transport Socket Layer and a secure server/database configuration. The site is scanned every day for vulnerabilities, and you can check our security seals on a regular basis. We take several other steps to maintain data integrity and security. Though we are not keeping financial or medical data on this server, we adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules. This site is also compliant with the IT security provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA) and the Government Information Security Reform Act (GISRA), as well as Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.